Gain Confidence In Launching, Running and Optimising Successful Meta Ad Campaigns

Our 1:1 Coaching Sessions Will Help You Learn

  • how to find and reach your target audience,

  • the secrets only insiders know,

  • how to create and launch successful campaigns,

  • the campaign objective you should use,

  • how to keep your ad spending down,

  • how to analyse your campaign data to scale and improve your ads,

  • how to avoid getting your ad account shut down and what to do if that happens.

Meta Ads Coaching

Our Coaching Packages

  • Ideal For: If you want a second set of eyes on your current campaigns, learn to understand the basics of Meta Ads and learn a simple, yet effective strategy we use on our campaigns.

    What’s included:

    / Audit of any current Meta advertising campaigns ( Targeting, Audience, Objective of campaign, Headline, Text, Images/ Videos used and landing pages)

    / Testing of Meta ad pixel setup

    / Learn the 3 core elements of every successful Facebook Ads 

    / Learn targeting tips and advice (Find your target market, targeting mistakes, and a special exercise that will make targeting super easy)

    / Devise a Meta advertising strategy (know how to start and a plan for success)

    / 1.5 hour face-to-face video call (screen sharing)

    BORecording of the live call for your future reference

  • Ideal For: If you have tried setting up your campaigns, but you are not sure if it’s done correctly or you are not happy with the results you are getting. You’ll get hands-on support in setting up campaigns, learning how you can launch a campaign, understand data and scale your ads.

    What’s Included:

    / Audit of any current/past Meta Campaigns

    / Testing of Meta ad pixel setup

    / Learn the 3 core elements of every successful Meta Ads 

    / Targeting tips and advice (Find your target market, targeting mistakes, and a special exercise that will make targeting super easy)

    / Meta advertising strategy (know how to start and a plan for success)

    / 2x 2.5 -hours face-to-face video call (recorded)

    / Learn the current policies and privacy issues to avoid your ads being shut down and your account being banned,

    / Learn to create audiences from your email list, followers, and website visitors ( we will do this together)

    / Learn how to target people who visited your websites, who are on your email list, who connect with you on LinkedIn or who follow you on Facebook

    / Learn copywriting tips specifically designed for Meta Ads

    / Learn how to create graphics that make people stop scrolling.

    / Learn how to evaluate your campaigns ( we will go through the results of your campaign 7 days after launch)

    BONUS 1: Creating a retargeting campaign together 

    BONUS 2: Facebook Business Manager - walkthroug

  • Our 1:1 Coaching Packages start from $500.

    Contact Us for group discounts.